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Another Round of Stimulus Checks?    

Despite the relative speed with which Congress and the Federal government passed the CARES Act and the ensuring Payroll Protection Program, we’re learning of another possible stimulus bill trying to wade through Congress.  As with a LOT of things we see the government doing, this one seems destined for partisan politics and loaded with pork.   

Right now, the HEROES Act (Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act) – all 3 Trillion dollars of it, passed the House and died a quick death in the Senate. 

In the end, it’s very likely that a pared-down version of the bill will ultimately pass, but where we saw only a limited amount of earmarking in the CARES Act – such as monies for the Kennedy Center, seemingly “silly” funds going to other pet projects from various committees, and the “usual” aggravating things we see in all Federal politics, our money is that any new bill dedicated to economic relief and the widespread reopening of the U. S. economy is going to be torn apart looking for pork projects and any type of political earmarking is going to virtually kill the stated goal of any stimulus bill – to help the American people. 

What can you do?  Stay educated!  Watch the progress of this carefully and make sure you let your representatives in the House and the Senate know what you think about it.